Reserve Your Trexo Home For $99 USD

Your reservation fee is fully refundable.

Trexo Robotic Leg

What Happens After You Place Your Reservation?

1. You will receive an email confirming your reservation and a second email with the link to your assessment form. It includes detailed instructions.

Please note: no further payment is required until closer to when your Trexo ships.

2. Complete your assessment within 10 days. You can get your PT to help you, or you can let us know if you are having trouble.

3. Next, we do our internal review. If we need more information, we will let you know.

    • If your child isn’t a good fit for the Trexo, we will let you know and we will refund the reservation fee.
    • If your child is a good fit, we will send you a list of the accessories, along with the size of your Trexo and Rifton Dynamic Pacer. Pricing is included.
    • If you decide not to proceed, you can cancel your reservation and get your money back.
    • If you decide to proceed, we will let you know the next steps and the timeline for your Trexo delivery.
    • If you need extra time to fundraise, let us know and we can move your spot on the reservation list to give you more time.

Trial Period
A lease includes a 2-week trial period to make sure that your child will be confident using this device at home. A purchase in full includes a 2 week trial period as well. The device is adjustable in height and can grow with your child. If the device does not work for you, simply return it and we will refund everything you have paid. If you choose to lease the device your start date and the start of the trial is the day you complete training. If you purchase in full, your trial date begins the day you complete your training.

The Trexo only works with the Rifton Dynamic Pacer gait trainer. The pricing does not include the Rifton Dynamic Pacer. You can use your insurance/vendor to purchase the Dynamic Pacer or you can purchase it directly from us. If you do order it from insurance, please wait for the Trexo team to review your assessment form. We will determine what sizeĀ  Rifton Dynamic Pacer and accessories are needed so you know what to order.

The Trexo Home ranges between $34,900 – $39,900 USD for payment in full, plus the Rifton Dynamic Pacer, accessories for postual support and shipping.

Trexo Home Lease ranges between $1125.97 – $1292.04 USD per month. Interest is included in the monthly pricing. The Rifton Dynamic Pacer, shipping and any applicable taxes will be added.