The Trexo team wants to take a moment to thank and honour each of our Moms. We also want to acknowledge those who struggle with Mother’s Day, for various reasons.
This Mother’s Day, we also want to honour the Moms in the Trexo Community. Being the Mom of a child with a disability requires patience, determination, being an advocate for your child, being a logicistics coordinator of appointments and therapy, advocating for accessabilibty and inclusion and so much more. We see your hard work, love, kindess, fear, sadness, smiles, joy and love on a regular basis.
Happy Mother’s Day Moms!
We are a day late in posting this, I was away for the weekend to celebrate my Mom, and my laptop died (I guess I have to confess to forgetting my charger!). Please know you were in our thoughts and hearts yesterday!
– Jenn and the Trexo Team

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