It’s an exciting time at Trexo.

The kiddos in the Trexo community hit 20 million steps (the equivalent of a walk around the world) on Monday. 

On Tuesday we had some visitors in the office. I wanted to share a little look into our day. Seeing one of the Trexo kiddos was really special, since it doesn’t happen too often.

Marc and Mitchell and the Trexo HomeMitchell, son of Marc Robert (our Customer Success Manager) visited the office and I got to meet him for the first time. Mitchell was doing us a favor – he was demonstrating his Trexo for other guests that we had…

Elaine Kachala, author of the book Superpower? The Wearable-Tech Revolution came to visit! 

Spoiler alert – Trexo is in the book! We are really excited.

With Elaine was Craig McNicoll from Epilogue Productions – he  was capturing film and video of the visit. 

We went for a walk outside, Mitchell, in his Trexo, led the way. Elaine interviewed Manmeet and Craig got some great pics and footage. Elaine will keep us updated on the release of that video! We also showed Elaine and Craig what it looks like when we test the robotic legs and showed them around the office and production area. Thank you Andrew for taking the time to show our guests how you test the legs!

A Little About the Book

Elaine’s book comes out in October 2022, and it is written for middle-grade school kids. The book is about wearable-tech, but it goes beyond just the technology and the benefits. It delves into the concept of responsible design for IoT devices. Elaine says it best:

The book asks readers to question the pros and cons of technology and consider if innovation can go too far. Meet the inventors, designers, engineers, scientists, and young people navigating the next tech frontier.”

It’s been a great start to the week and we look forward to see what comes next!

You can learn more about Elaine here:

We’ll be back later in the week to share some information on the health benefits of walking and give you a sneak peek on the content we are planning for next week.

If you are here checking us out because you are interested in a Trexo for a kiddo in your life, please contact us. Allicyn handles all our inquiries. In addition to being an expert on the Trexo professionally, she is the Mom of a kid that uses the Trexo, so she’s got personal experience and is a great resource for parents looking into the Trexo.

– Jenn

Below is some footage of Craig shooting video. Andrew testing the robotic legs and Elaine steps into the shot too!