Trexo Trial: A Step Toward New Possibilities

Trying Trexo Robotics is a big, exciting step. Parents are typically curious and maybe even a little nervous. It’s more than just a trial of a device you are familiar with, like a wheelchair or a standing frame, it’s new, different and full of potential. It could allow your kiddo to get upright and walking!

Between our Roadshows, Open Houses and trials at our office, we see so many kiddos walking in the Trexo. We love it. For us, it’s the best part of the job. We know it means a lot to you, so we created this to help you understand what to expect when you book a time to trial a Trexo.

The First Steps: Getting Started

If you are attending an Open House or Roadshow, we will have you fill out a form with some info about your kiddo, so we can determine it is safe for them to trial a Trexo. Our team will review and either confirm your appointment time or let you know if for some reason Trexo isn’t the best fit for your kiddo. If you are visiting us in the office for a personal trial, the person booking your trial will go over the process for approving your kiddo.

It is rare that we have to deny a kiddo, but it does happen. Nothing is more important than the safety of your kiddo, so even though it may be hard to hear Trexo isn’t an option, we won’t take chances if there is an area of concern.

If your kiddo is approved, we will send you information to ensure the trial goes smoothly. Most importantly:

Your kiddo must be wearing long pants. No dresses, skirts or shorts. Please ensure they have shoes and if they wear AFOs, please bring them!

Trexo Trial Day

When you arrive for your Trexo trial, you will meet some of the Trexo team. They have been doing this for a long time so they understand all the feelings and they will have time to answer all your questions.

For the first part of the trial, we want to get to know your kiddo a little bit and ask any last minute questions we may have for you.

Our team will adjust the Trexo as needed and then place your kiddo in the device. They will then further adjust and make sure your kiddo is comfy. This is a new experience and new feeling for your kiddo, so it is normal for them to be nervous or confused. Sometimes kiddos cry when first placed in the Trexo. You know your kiddo, so we look to you to determine if we should keep going and let them get used to it, or if we need to stop. Most kiddos will stop crying fairly quickly. Trexo trials vary by individual and we are very responsive to your kiddos reaction and your feedback.

Taking Those First Steps

This is the moment that parents remember most: watching their child take steps in the Trexo. For some, it’s the first time they’ve seen their child walk. For others, it’s a chance to see their child move more freely and with less effort. The device guides each step, helping children practice walking in a natural, upright position. Depending on the child’s ability, they may start to initiate the steps. The robotic legs detect the effort from the kiddos and it “backs off” and lets them initiate. Both the lights on the side of the device and the tablet let us know if the kiddo or robot is initiating the steps. The tablet will tell us what percent each leg initiates. Initiation will vary by child and over time. Even if they don’t initially power most of the steps, there is still benefit for them to be upright and have their legs taken through the stepping motion in a proper gait pattern.

Many children respond with excitement—smiling, laughing, or looking around as they explore their surroundings in a whole new way. Others may need a little time to adjust to the sensation of walking with the device. Both reactions are normal. We may have bubbles, or other things to distract the kiddo as needed. Many parents walk backwards, ahead of the child, so they are in front of and facing the child. All parents take photos and videos. With your consent, we will take some as well.

For Parents: A Moment of Possibility

Watching your child walk with Trexo is an emotional experience. Parents often tell us they are feeling a mixture of joy, hope, and pride—seeing their child do something they may have thought was out of reach. It really is a moment that can shift your thoughts around your kiddo’s mobility. It opens up new possibilities for your child’s future.

  • You will also have questions. Some of the common ones:
  • Will my child continue to enjoy using Trexo?
  • How often will they need to use it?
  • What kind of progress can we expect?

During the trial, we are there to answer your questions, explain the benefits of regular use, and discuss what progress might look like for your child’s unique needs.

After Your Kiddo’s Trexo Trial: What’s Next?

When the trial is over, many parents leave feeling inspired and hopeful. Whether you decide to purchase or lease a Trexo right away or need time to consider your options, the experience of seeing your child take those steps stays with you. If your kiddo enjoys the experience, continuing with Trexo can help them build strength, confidence, and independence among many other benefits that we hear parents sharing all the time.

We will give you some stickers of our 2 dinos – Roary and Stomp to take home. Kiddos and adults love them! We will follow up with you after the trial to see what you are thinking and if we can answer other questions or help with anything. You can also reach out to us any time.

Every Step Counts

A Trexo trial isn’t just about testing a device—it’s about discovering what’s possible when kiddos have a tool that helps them move and explore their environment in a new way.

We say Reimagine Your Child’s Future, One Step At A Time. This is more than a slogan; it is based off experiences and feelings parents have shared with us. We are excited for you and your kiddo and are happy that you came in to trial the Trexo.

Click Here to Request Your Trial Now